March 2023: I'm thrilled to receive the Teaching Innovation Award at CMU
Jan 2023: Three papers accepted at CHI exploring topics related to FATE issues including Understanding Practices, Challenges, and Opportunities for User-Engaged Algorithm Auditing in Industry Practice, Participation and Division of Labor in User-Driven Algorithm Audits, andBlack Girls Analyzing and Ideating Fair and Accountable AI.
Jan 2023: I'm honored to be named one of “100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics”
March 2022: Our CSCW 2021 paper, “Algorithmic Folk Theories and Identity: How TikTok Users Engage in Algorithmic Resistance and Identity Co-Production” has received an Honorable Mention Awards for Best Paper.
Aug 2021: I’m thrilled to be a part of the $20M, 5-year NSF award (with Amazon and Google as industry partners) on “The AI Institute for Collaborative Assistance and Responsive Interaction for Networked Groups (AI-CARING)”. This is a large multi-institute collaborative effort between Georgia Tech, Carnegie Mellon University, Oregon State University, the University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Oregon Health & Science University. [Award News, AI-CARING]
Aug 2021: Our paper on everyday algorithm auditing is accepted to CSCW21.
May 2021: I’m honored to be one of the keynote speakers at L@S this year.
Mar 2021: Our paper algorithmic folk theories and identity is accepted to CSCW21.
Jan 2021: Our $1M, 3-year NSF award (with Amazon as the industry partner) on “Organizing Crowd Audits to Detect Bias in Machine Learning” has been funded. [Award Abstract]
July 2019: Our paper on auditing housing algorithms is accepted to ICWSM 2020.
April 2019: Defended my thesis, yayyyy!
Jan 2019: Our paper on opacity and transparency in biased algorithmic systems is accepted at CHI 2019.
June 2018: I'm thrilled to receive the ICWSM Best Reviewer Award (awarded to the top 20 reviewers).
April 2018: I'm happy to be selected as a Heidelberg Laureate Forum Young Researcher.
Feb 2018: Our journal paper on search bias is accepted at Information Retrieval Journal, Springer.
Jan 2018: Our paper on algorithmic transparency in online behavioral advertising is accepted to CHI 2018.
Jan 2018: Our paper on the placebo effects on control panel in social media is accepted to CHI 2018.
April 2017: I am beyond thrilled to be awarded Google PhD Fellowship. Thanks Google :)
Feb 2017: Our algorithmic bias paper on rating platforms is accepted to ICWSM 2017.
Nov 2016: I'm happy to be selected as an Adobe PhD Fellowship Finalist.
Sep 2016: Our Search Bias paper is accepted to CSCW 2017.
​Sep 2016: I'm selected (again!) to participate at Rising Stars in EECS, an Academic Career Workshop for nearly 60 top EECS women scholars.
​Jun 2016: I'm offered a Saburo Muroga Endowed Fellowship, a fellowship awarded to outstanding graduate students in computer science at UIUC.
Apr 2016: I've won Feng Chen Memorial Award, an award established to recognize students who are first authors on a paper that has won a best paper award at computer science department at UIUC.
Jan 2016: I'm happy to be selected as a Facebook PhD Fellowship Finalist.
Nov 2015: Our folk theories paper got accepted at CHI'16.
July 2015: I'm selected to participate at MIT Rising Stars in EECS, an Academic Career Workshop for nearly 60 top EECS women scholars.
March 2015: I am so happy to announce that our paper received Best Paper Award in CHI'15.
Nov 2015: University of Illinois nominated me as one of two students in the entire College of Engineering for a Google PhD fellowship.
Sep 2014: Our Friend Grouping paper got accepted at SocInfo2014.
Aug 2014: Our Algorithm Awareness project got many attention on press: The Washington Post, NewScientist, MIT Center for Civic Media, Social Science Space,
July 2014: I received Grace Hopper Scholarship to attend Grace hopper 2014 .
Nov 2013: Our Algorithms Awareness project received Honorable Mention Award at Facebook Midwest Regional Hackathon 2013.