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Motahhare Eslami

My name is Motahhare Eslami, officially Motahareh EslamiMehdiabadi (I know, it's long!). I am an Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in the School of Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction Institute. My research is broadly in human-computer interaction, social computing, and data mining. I received my PhD in Computer Science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where I was advised by Professor Karrie Karahalios. In my research, I investigate the existing accountability challenges in algorithmic systems and to empower the users of algorithmic systems, particularly those who belong to marginalized communities and those whose decisions impact marginalized communities, make transparent, fair, and informed decisions in interaction with algorithmic systems. I am honored to be named one of the 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics

My research has been discussed in the popular press, including TimeThe Washington PostHuffingtonPostthe BBCWIRED, Quartz, CBC RadioFortuneInternational Business TimesNew Scientist, and MIT Technology Review. My research is supported by NSF (Fairness in AI, AI Institute, Future of Work), Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Cisco.


  • Human-AI Interaction (HAII), Spring 2024

  • Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics (FATE) in Sociotechnical Systems; Spring  & Fall 2022

  • User-Centered Research and Evaluation (UCRE); Spring & Fall 2021, Spring & Fall 2023


  • I'm thrilled to receive the Google Research Scholar Award work on "Generative AI Meets Responsible AI: Supporting User-Driven Auditing of Generative AI Systems" (with Ken Holstein).

Apr 2024

  • Our work on 'Engaging End Users in Surfacing Harmful Algorithmic Behaviors in Large-scale AI Models" has received the Notre Dame-IBM Technology Ethics Lab Award (with Wesley Deng, Ken Holstein, and Jason Hong).

April 2024

  • We've received the Microsoft AI & Society Fellowship to work on "Regulating AI in Light of the Challenges of Doing Responsible AI in Practice" (with Wesley Deng, Ken Holstein, and Jason Hong).

Feb 2024

  • Our CSCW paper, "The Potential of Diverse Youth as Stakeholders in Identifying and Mitigating Algorithmic Bias for a Future of Fair AI" (with Jaemarie Solyst,  Ellia Yang, Shixian Xie, Amy Ogan, Jessica Hammer) has received the Recognition Award for Contribution to Diversity and Inclusion.

Oct 2023

  • Our CHI paper, "I Would Like to Design": Black Girls Analyzing and Ideating Fair and Accountable AI” (with Jaemarie Solyst, Shixian Xie, Ellia Yang,  Angela Stewart, , Amy Ogan, Jessica Hammer) has received an Honorable Mention Awards for Best Paper.

April 2023

March 2023  

  • I'm honored to be named one of “100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics”.

Jan 2023

  • Our CSCW paper, “Algorithmic Folk Theories and Identity: How TikTok Users Engage in Algorithmic Resistance and Identity Co-Production” (Nadia Karizat, Dan Delmonaco, and Nazanin Andalibi) has received an Honorable Mention Awards for Best Paper.

March 2022

  • I’m thrilled to be a part of the $20M, 5-year NSF AI Institute award (with Amazon and Google as industry partners) on “The AI Institute for Collaborative Assistance and Responsive Interaction for Networked Groups (AI-CARING)”. This is a large multi-institute collaborative effort between Georgia Tech, Carnegie Mellon University, Oregon State University, the University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Oregon Health & Science University. [Award News, AI-CARING].

Aug 2021

  • I’m honored to be a keynote speaker at Learning at Scale (L@S) conference this year.

May 2021

  • Our $1M, 3-year Fairness in AI NSF award (with Amazon as the industry partner) on “Organizing Crowd Audits to Detect Bias in Machine Learning” has been funded (with Jason Hong, Ken Holstein, Adam Perer, Hong Shen, Nihar Shan). [Award Abstract]. 

Jan 2021

Selected Publications

  • Y. Xu, Li., W. Peng, S. Jia, K. Morrison, A. Perer, A. Zandifar, S. Visweswaran, M. Eslami, and
    K. Batmanghelich. MedSyn: Text-guided Anatomy-aware Synthesis of High-Fidelity 3D CT Images. IEEE
    Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2024

  • N. Johnson, S. Moharana, C. Harrington, N. Andalibi, H. Heidari+, M. Eslami +. The Rise and Fall
    of an Algorithm: Characterizing the Dynamics of Algorithm Abandonment.
    ACM Conference on Fairness,
    Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT), 2024.

  • A. DeVrio, M. Eslami+, K. Holstein+. Building, Shifting, & Employing Power: A Taxonomy of
    Responses From Below to Algorithmic Harm
    , (+: equal contribution), ACM Conference on Fairness, Ac-
    countability, and Transparency (FAccT), 2024

  • S. Kim, B. Fan, W. Yang, J. Ramey, S. Fox, H. Zhu, J. Zimmerman and M. Eslami. Public Technologies
    Transforming Work of the Public and the Public Sector,
    CHIWork, 2024.

  • S. Kingsley, C. Wang, R. Lambeth, M.S. Silberman, M. Eslami, B. Li, J. Bigham. Information Quality
    Challenges of Text Data in Low-Wage Job Search: An exploratory survey of U.S. job-seeker perspectives
    CHIWork, 2024.

  • J. Solyst, E. Yang, S. Xie, J. Hammer, A. Ogan, M. Eslami. Children’s Overtrust and Shifting
    Perspectives of Generative AI
    , The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), 2024.

  • J. Solyst, E. Yang, S. Xie, A. Ogan, J. Hammer, M. Eslami. The Potential of Diverse Youth as Stakeholders in Identifying and Mitigating Algorithmic Bias for a Future of Fair AI, Proceedings of ACM in Human Computer Interaction (PACM), 2023, CSCW. ⭐ Recognition for Contribution to Diversity and Inclusion 

  • W. Deng, N. Yildirim, M. Chang, M. Eslami, K. Holstein and M. Madaio. Exploring Opportunities to Support Cross-functional Collaboration for AI Fairness in Industry Practice, ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT), 2023.

  • R. Li, S. Kingsley, C. Fan, P. Sinha, N. Wai, J. Lee, H. Shen, M. Eslami, J. Hong. "Participation and Division of Labor in User-Driven Algorithm Audits: How Do Everyday Users Work Together to Surface Algorithmic Harms?", ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2023.

  • J. Solyst, S. Xie, E. Yang, A. Stewart, M. Eslami, J. Hammer, and A. Ogan.  "I Would Like to Design'': Black Girls Analyzing and Ideating Fair and Accountable AI.  ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2023.Honorable Mention Award for Best Paper

  • W. Deng, B. Guo, A. DeVrio, H. Shen, M. Eslami *, K. Holstein*, Understanding Practices, Challenges, and Opportunities for User-Engaged Algorithm Auditing in Industry Practice, (*: equal contribution), ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2023.

  • A. London, Y. Razin, J. Borenstein, M. Eslami , R. Perkins, and P. Robinette, "Ethical Issues in Near-Future Socially Supportive Smart Assistants for Older Adults", IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, 2023.

  • S. Singlaa, M. Eslami, B. Pollackc, S. Wallaced, K. Batmanghelich, "Explaining the Black-box Smoothly - A Counterfactual Approach", Medical Image Analysis, Elsevier Journal, 2023.

  • S. Kingsley, P. Sinha, C. Wang, M. Eslami, and J. Hong; “Give everybody [..] a little bit more equity”: Content Creator Perspectives and Responses to Algorithmic Demonetization of Content Associated with Marginalized Communities, Proceedings of ACM in Human Computer Interaction (CSCW), 2022. 

  • A. DeVos, A. Dhabalia, H. Shen, K. Holstein+, and M. Eslami+. Toward User-Driven Algorithm Auditing: Investigating Users’ Strategies for Uncovering Harmful Algorithmic Behavior. CHI 2022. (+: equal contribution) [pdf]

  • J. Park, K. Karahalios, N. Salehi, and M. Eslami. Power Dynamics and Value Conflicts in Designing and Maintaining Socio-Technical Algorithmic Processes, Proceedings of ACM in Human Computer Interaction (CSCW), 2022. [pdf

  • J. Solyst,, A. Axon, A.E.B. Stewart, A.E.B., M. Eslami, and A. Ogan. Investigating Girls’ Perspectives and Knowledge Gaps on Ethics and Fairness in Artificial Intelligence in a Lightweight Workshop. The International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2022 (ICLS).

  • H. Shen∗ and A. DeVos∗, M. Eslami+ and K. Holstein+. Everyday Algorithm Auditing: Understanding the Power of Everyday Users in Surfacing Harmful Algorithmic Behaviors. Proceedings of ACM in Human Computer Interaction (CSCW), 2021. [pdf]

  • N. Karizat, D. Delmonaco, M. Eslami, N. Andalibi. Algorithmic Folk Theories and Identity: How TikTok Users Engage in Algorithmic Resistance and Identity Co-Production. Proceedings of ACM in Human Computer Interaction (CSCW), 2021.[pdf] Honorable Mention Award for Best Paper

  • J. Asplund, M. Eslami, H. Sundaram, C. Sandvig, K. Karahalios. Auditing Race and Gender Discrimination in Online Housing Markets. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2020. [pdf]

  • J. Salminen, J. M. Santos, S. Jung, M. Eslami, and B. J. Jansen. Persona Transparency: Analyzing theImpact of Explanations on Perceptions of Data-Driven Personas, Internationl Journal of Human-ComputerInteraction, 2019.[pdf]

  • M. Eslami, K. Vaccaro, M. K. Lee, A. Elazari, E. Gilbert, and K. Karahalios. User Attitudes towards Algorithmic Opacity and Transparency in Online Reviewing Platforms. Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference (CHI), 2019.[pdf]

  • J. Kulshrestha, M. Eslami, J. Messias, M. B. Zafar, S. Ghosh, K. P. Gummadi, and K Karahalios. Search bias quantification: investigating political bias in social media and web search. Information Retrieval Journal, 1-40, 2018.[pdf]

Last Updated: June 2024

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